About SSM Health Foundation - St. Louis

Who We Are

A shared courage. A common good.

In 1872, our founding sisters began their ministry of healing with just $5 and a basket to collect donations and carry medical supplies to serve those in need. Today, nearly 150 years later, the SSM Health Foundation – St. Louis carries on their legacy of courage and compassion through fundraising efforts to support our SSM Health hospitals, health care workers, and patients.

When asked what we do, the reply is often: we aim to provide benefactors with the opportunity to turn their philanthropic investment into meaningful impact. But what does that really mean? Put simply:

We connect the hearts of our benefactors to the health of our communities.

When someone gives to the SSM Health Foundation – St. Louis, they’re investing much more than time or money. Just like our founding sisters, they’re courageously and compassionately investing in progress and people. We help make sure their generosity makes a direct, local impact by funding health care needs for SSM Health hospitals in the St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson County, and Metro East regions of Missouri.

provider talking to patient