SSM Health Madison Open
Monday, September 16, 2024
Blackhawk Country Club
3606 Blackhawk Dr. | Madison, WI 53705
Join us for the 3rd Annual SSM Health Madison Open! Proceeds benefit community health priorities identified through a comprehensive community health needs assessment.

The event includes a welcome by SSM Health leadership, 18 holes of golf (scramble format) with hole activities followed by a casual buffet dinner and prizes. Your support of this event ensures access to reliable, exceptional, Mission-based care for our families, friends, and neighbors – especially those most in need.
Event Schedule
- 10:30 am registration opens
- 11:00 am Leadership Welcome
- 12:00 noon start - scramble format (box lunch provided)
- 4:30 pm cocktail hour (cash bar)
- 5:30 pm buffet dinner (seating is limited)
- Program - awards and announcements
Golf Fast Pass
Purchase in advance and skip the lines!
- Three mulligans
- Participation in all hole contests
- 10 feet of advantage string
- Two complimentary drink tickets
- No waiting in the golf registration line
Register Online Today
To purchase sponsorships or golf tickets, use the online form below. If you have already paid and need to register your golfer name(s), please complete the Golfer Registration form.